Wednesday, 30 January 2019

The flow of money up to Q3 2018-19 : credit growth continues to accelerate

The 15% growth in credit on a year over year basis at the end of the December quarter is the highest level seen from the start of financial year 2015-16.

Deposit growth is showing some sign of acceleration. 

Since the start of FY 15-16, average year over year growth in credit and deposits has been 9%, and 11% respectively. So credit growth this quarter really stands out, while deposit growth, although  accelerating, is still weak.

Please see my earlier blogs on this subject under the tab "Banking Industry".

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Monitoring the Bull Market in Indian Stocks: Update as of December 2018

Please see my blog of July 9, 2014 for the original note on using TMV/GNP ratio to gauge whether the market is cheap or expensive, and my nonthly blogs on this subject.

India Market Map: December 2018

Foreign Exchange


 Government Bonds


  Money Market

 Policy Rates

 Bank Deposits

 Public Provident Fund

  Post Office

 Home Loans 

  Real Estate