Tuesday, 20 September 2016

The value of the Rupee: update as of August 2016

Rupee in real terms continues to rise against a basket of currencies - it is at one of the highest levels seen in the past four years

RBI Watch                                                                                                    Indian Rupee

Please also read my April 25, 2014 blog titled "Is the Rupee fairly valued?", and my blog of April 21,2016.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Monitoring the Bull Market in Indian Stocks: Update as of August 2016

Indian Stock Market Watch

This time the BSE100 reaches a record high on month-end basis

On a month-end basis, the BSE100 index reached a record high - 9021 on August 31, 2016 surpassing 8994 on February 28, 2015. Market Cap to GNP ratio rose to 78.5%, but is still well below the February 2015 number of 85.2%.

Please see last month's updateand also my blog of July 9, 2014 for the original note on using TMV/GNP ratio to gauge whether the market is cheap or expensive.

India Market Map: August 2016

A bird’s eye view of the performance of India’s financial markets.

We publish the Market Map on a monthly basis.

Current financial Year

Among the asset classes we monitor, the best performing traditional asset was stocks. All asset classes returned positive returns. If one considers foreign exchange also, then the Rupee against the Pound Sterling performed even better than the stock market.

On a one-year basis

Gold was the best performer. If one considers foreign exchange also, then the Rupee against the Great Britian Pound performed once again performed even better.

Real Estate 

We have data on India's real estate market on a quarterly basis up to Jan - Mar 16 quarter. Please see  table at the bottom of the page. Over the last one year Magic Bricks National Property Index is up by 1%. Of the top four metros, Chennai and Mumbai saw negative returns. Bengaluru was the top performer with a rise of 4%.

Foreign Exchange

Stock Market

Government Bond Market

Money Market

Policy Rates

Bank Deposit Rates

Public Provident Fund Rate

Post Office Deposit Rates

Lending Rates

Real Estate Market